- 2023/08/08
- Go To Minotory 2023
- 2023/07/20
- MF-TOKYO 2023 [Report]
- 2023/07/11
- MF-TOKYO 2023
- 2023/06/28
- INTERMOLD 2023 Nagoya [Report]
- 2023/06/16
- New building of Fuso plant.
- 2023/06/09
- 2023/06/02
- FIA Forge Fair 2023【Report】
- 2023/05/31
- Automotive Engineering Exposition 2023 Yokohama [Report]
- 2023/05/30
- 2023 Tour of Japan Mino stage was held at Mino, Gifu on May 24, 2023.
- 2023/05/17
- The 3rd West Japan Championship of Japan Inter-corporate Karatedo Federation